I had the good fortune to attend SweCon in Stockholm this weekend as one of their guests of honour. It was an absolute blast. A great hotel, a fine venue, one of the friendliest and most affectionate group of fans I have ever come across, and top-notch organizational skills from the committee. I can highly recommend it.
My girlfriend and I spent most of our time in the company of one of my favourite authors, Adrian Tchaikovsky, who kept us informed on recent researches into just about everything. But I had briefer meetings with lots and lots of other readers and writers, some of whom I’d only ever encountered online up to now.
And there were panels! In abundance! How I missed you. I had tremendous fun chatting in front of a live audience again and my Kaffeeklatch was even more enjoyable.
If you live in or near Scandinavia, or just want a weekend away in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, you should definitely give SweCon a go.