Fantistika (SweCon) Lives Up To Its Name

I had the good fortune to attend SweCon in Stockholm this weekend as one of their guests of honour. It was an absolute blast. A great hotel, a fine venue, one of the friendliest and most affectionate group of fans I have ever come across, and top-notch organizational skills from the committee. I can highly recommend it.

My girlfriend and I spent most of our time in the company of one of my favourite authors, Adrian Tchaikovsky, who kept us informed on recent researches into just about everything. But I had briefer meetings with lots and lots of other readers and writers, some of whom I’d only ever encountered online up to now.

And there were panels! In abundance! How I missed you. I had tremendous fun chatting in front of a live audience again and my Kaffeeklatch was even more enjoyable.

If you live in or near Scandinavia, or just want a weekend away in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, you should definitely give SweCon a go.

The Bone World Trilogy eBooks are now live!

I am excited to say that for the first time, the books of The Bone World Trilogy are all available as matching ebooks!

Get them from the links below. Get them before they run out, although... well, running out is not really possible. But getting them is definitely a thing of joy. At least for me.

Warning: violence and trauma. Too much for the more gentle among you. An off-stage sexual assault is also hinted at.

The links give a choice of buying options -- so far that’s just smashwords for epub readers, or amazon for kindle users.

Thanks to all of you and to your families and friends and pets.

Re-release of The Bone World Trilogy

I'll be re-releasing my first published novels, The Bone World Trilogy, as ebooks next week. Same old content, but brand new covers.

I'll be doing paperbacks too, early in the new year. First to come, will be The Inferior. All the rest before end of 2020...

No photos yet. Linkless for now. But soon :)

My Interview with Richard Fidler on ABC

Back in 2017, I was invited to be interviewed on Australia’s ABC radio. My reaction was a pleased, but muted, “That’s nice.” I would have been far more intimidated had I realised that the interviewer, Richard Fidler, is and was, an Aussie legend with the most downloaded podcast in that part of the world and a wide knowledge of… well, it felt like everything.

In any case, the interview was rebroadcast yesterday in Oz, and you — yes, you! — can listen to it right here:


Just look for the “Conversations” podcast from ABC. The title of my episode is: Myths and Legend — Battles, fairie curses and the evil eye: why old Irish tales still delight us.

My Schedule at the New Zealand WorldCon -- ConZealand

Well, nobody gets to travel this year, so, we’re having the first ever Virtual WorldCon. If you’re a member, and you can bear the sight of my smug Irish head, my programme is below. Honestly, I’ve really struggled with the time conversion, since most of my panels fall just before or just after midnight. I think I’ve got it now and will put the Irish time below the New Zealand time.

Shared Common Myths Format: Panel

29 Jul 2020, Wednesday 12:00 - 12:50, Programme Room 2 (Webinar) (Programming)

Irish Time: Wednesday 29 Jul at 1am in the morning, i.e. after midnight on Tuesday

How do myths and legends impact cultures around the world? Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell argued that the same stories underlie myths everywhere. Were they right, or are there fundamental differences between myths from around the world? 

Helen Marshall (University of Queensland) (M), Peadar Ó Guilín (, Graci Kim (Rick Riordan Presents), Suyi Davies Okungbowa

Wild Cards: Writing the Mosaic Novel Format: Panel

30 Jul 2020, Thursday 09:00 - 09:50, Programme Room 3 (Webinar) (Programming)

Irish Time: 10pm Wednesday 29 July.

Wild Cards is a collaborative series edited by George R. R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Set in an alternate post-World War II Earth, Wild Cards is about super heroes and super villains who developed their powers after a virus hit the Earth.

What are mosaic novels and how have they been used in the Wild Cards series?

Peadar Ó Guilín, Walter Jon Williams, Melinda Snodgrass (Stealing Fire Productions Inc.) (M) 

How Podcasts Are Transforming the Speculative Fiction Landscape Format: Panel

30 Jul 2020, Thursday 11:00 - 11:50, Programme Room 5 (Zoom Meeting) (Programming)

Irish Time: Wednesday, 11:59pm, i.e. midnight, 29 July

Podcasts are winning awards at the highest levels of speculative fiction. Are podcasts here to stay at last? Veteran speculative podcasters discuss how podcasting has influenced their creative work and continues to influence our genre.

Maquel A. Jacob (MAJart Works), Alexandra Pierce (M), Peadar Ó Guilín, Ion Newcombe (AntipodeanSF), Mur Lafferty

Reading: Peadar Ó Guilín Format: Reading

31 Jul 2020, Friday 10:30 - 10:55, Reading Room 1 (Programming)

Irish Time: Thursday 11:30PM 30 July.

Peadar Ó Guilín

An "Evening" with Peadar & Farah Format: Interview

1 Aug 2020, Saturday 09:00 - 09:50, Programme Room 3 (Webinar) (Programming)

Irish Time: 10pm Friday 31 July.

Learn all about Peadar Ó Guilín's writing as he's interviewed by Farah Mendlesohn.

Dr Farah Mendlesohn (BSFA) (M)

The Call Gets a New Print Run

I’ve already posted this on Twitter, so, apologies if you’ve seen it.

I have learned today that The Call is getting yet another reprint in the UK. What does that mean? It means I owe everything to my readers, to booksellers, to librarians and bloggers, who all kept it alive. It's never been a bestseller, but it's never stopped selling either.

Thanks! Go raibh maith agaibh go léir!

SweCon 2020 and me...

I am thrilled to announce that I will be one of the English Language guests of honour at Fantastika 2020, AKA, SweCon! The guest list includes wonderful writers such as Aliette de Bodard and Adrian Tchaikovsky. If anybody is thinking of taking a trip to Stockholm between March 20 and 22, I’d love to see you there.