My Books and Where to Find Them

The Call -- You have three minutes to save your life. Coming September 1st.

Publishers Weekly Starred Review: "Intense, riveting . . . Blisteringly fast-paced."

This YA novel is my mashup of the darker parts of Irish mythology and classic survival stories. You can read the UK blurb here. And the US one here. I'll provide the Spanish blurb when it becomes available. I hope you enjoy it!

You can pre-order The Call in any bookshop. They will love you for it! But always remember, I will love you more... In the UK and Ireland, you can pre-order it directly from the publishers here. In the US, if there's no book store nearby, you can find it in all the usual online venues.

Amazon UK

Amazon US


The Bone World Trilogy

The Inferior

"Read this and remember why Science Fiction lit your fire in the first place." -- Guy Haley


For the first time ever, the whole trilogy is available as ebooks with matching cover art! The links below will take you to your choice of Amazon or Smashwords. I will add google books as a choice as soon as the trilogy is available there too.

The Inferior, along with its sequel, The Deserter, is currently out of print The concluding part of the trilogy, The Volunteer is still available, but I don't  recommend starting there if you haven't read the previous two! Second-hand copies of all the books can still be found in the darker reaches of the internet!

I now own the rights to the books again and may publish them again. I still love them!

Non English readers can find translations of The Inferior in several languages. I'll track down some links at a later date.

The wikipedia page is here


Short Stories

I've been writing short stories all my life and have published them in all kinds of venues. If you have a kindle reader, you can find my collection, Forever in the Memory of God and Other Stories here.

Some of my stories have been turned into free podcasts. I'll provide links to some of them below.


The Sunshine Baron

The Drowner

The Evil-Eater