Yet Another Episode of the Podcast is Out Today

All I ever seem to do here these days is talk about the podcast. But fear not, there’ll be an exciting new project to discuss next year.

Today, I have made available the first half of my story, “The Evil-Eater”.

As always, you can find it on your favourite player or on my podcast page.

As even more always, a nice review would be appreciated if you enjoyed it.

A New Episode of the Podcast is Now UP

Today, I have made available “The Madman’s Ungrateful Child”. I’m trying to stick to Tuesday as my release day, but I was accidentally early this week. I hope you like it!

As always, you can find it on your favourite player or on my podcast page.

As even more always, a nice review would be appreciated if you enjoyed it.

Two New Podcast Stories are Now Live

Since the last time I posted here, I have uploaded two new stories, The Bag and Fairy Fort. The latter is a little gory, whereas the former is mostly just creepy. You can listen to both if you search for “CreepyCast” on your podcast application of choice, or play them online here.

Hear Me Roar!

I have just launched CreepyCast — my new PodCast. It will be a short series of 6 or 8 episodes, where I’ll be reading some of my own short-stories.

I have only now submitted it to iTunes and other Podcasting sites for distribution, so it may be another week or so before it’s available on general release, but in the meantime, if anybody is curious, you can listen to the first three episodes here.

Just in time for Halloween!

I'm Giving Away the New Wild Cards Book!

Hi folks,

 As promised, it’s competition time! I am giving away a copy of the spanking new Wild Cards book that is set in Ireland and the UK. If you have never read any of this series, do not despair, because this volume takes us right back to the early days of Wild Cards before zooming forward into modern times.

To win, you will have to answer the question in step 5 below. Do not put the answer in the comments, please.

And don’t worry too much about the other steps unless you’re some kind of lawyer :)

 The rules of the competition follow:

1) This competition is in no way endorsed by Facebook and will comply with all of Facebook's rules.

2) Anybody may enter who was not directly involved in the creation of this book.

3) The winner must be willing to provide a mail address somewhere on planet Earth.

4) I will sign the book to a specific person -- it is not to be sold on ebay or equivalent sites.

5) The competition is entered by answering the following question:

What is the name of my character -- or one of her names? You can find out by taking a quick look at the free sample on the Harper Collins site below:

To read the sample, you need to click on the “Read a Sample” button beneath the cover image. On my laptop, I had to use the direction keys to move from page to page.

You must send your answer to:

Don't send your snail mail address at this stage -- I will only need that from the winner.

6) If more than one person gets a correct answer, the winner will be picked with a random number generator. I use Google Assistant

7) The decision is final.

8) The draw will take place next week, because not everybody sees every post!



I’ve been to Poland and I’m sorry I waited so long to go. It’s beautiful and the people are beautiful too: experts in smiling; lovers of books who take great care of the bewildered authors wandering in their midst.

I worried before leaving I wouldn’t find anything vegan to eat. I had visions of running into fields to steal carrots for myself, but that never happened. There were plenty of delicious things for a rabid muncher of plants. There were pierogi -- giant ravioli filled with mushrooms. There were cabbage leaves stuffed with barley, drowning in a spicy tomato sauce that rested over the back of the tongue like a comforting blanket. There was an ice-cream shop with a twenty-minute queue that provided what was easily the tastiest sorbet I’ve had in my life.

But I didn’t go there for the food.

My Polish publishers, Czwarta Strona, invited me over along with YA Fantasy author, Alwyn Hamilton. I’d met her a few times before, but now, I had a chance to spend quality time with her and discovered that she was witty, clever and way more advanced in the arts of author survival than I will ever be. I enjoyed every minute of her company and feel like I learned an awful lot from her too.

But one thing I didn’t learn from my fellow writer, was Polish. Neither of us spoke a word of it. Happily, our publisher provided us with a minder. I don’t know if she wants her name online, so I’ll call her B. for now. It should probably stand for “brilliant”. She looked after our every need: taxis, food, sightseeing, you name it. Our experience would not have been half as enjoyable without her.

So, what did we do?


On Saturday morning, we had an interview with the expertly prepared Wiola in a radio station. Then, we rushed off to the Warsaw Book Fair and it was... magnificent! Huge! Thousands and thousands of people excited about books, packing themselves into a huge stadium, queuing for hours in the hopes of an autograph. It was bewildering and magical at the same time.

I met a few friends I’d only ever seen online or over skype. I met our agents in Poland -- thank you! Thank you, for getting me published in such an enthusiastic market! Then, it was signing for an hour and a half with amazing fans who loved The Call and were excited to tell me all about it. I felt like a rockstar there for a while... Until I looked over at Alwyn’s line -- twice the length of mine, at least. So long, in fact, that when we ran out of there to catch a train, a few people missed their chance to get her signature.

My Polish publishers were working there for the whole weekend. They did such an amazing job of the book covers, and were so, so lovely to me, that if any author reading this gets a chance to work with them, you should jump at the chance. They are brilliant. One of them, even had a tattoo of the spiral that appears on the cover of The Call. Wow! My heart nearly stopped when I saw that.



Poznan is a gorgeous little city with a central square as lovely as any in Europe, but without the hordes of tourists. Not that I mind tourists, being one myself. But it was nice to walk around rather than barge around.

Not so nice, was the fact that a pigeon decided to take a dump on my head and into my plate of food. Why me? Why? I received no answer, but he and I are officially enemies now.

The next day, we had Pyrcon -- a Science Fiction convention comparable in size to WorldCon. For the first time in my life, I had a translator working with me on a panel. A., you did a fantastic job! You even did the Star Trek voice when asked. The audiences were full of smiles and came up afterwards to get books signed or to chat.

Afterwards, there was my official signing slot and it was pretty great to find people already there waiting for me and to banter with them all.

There was more, of course. A lot more. This is but a flavour of a weekend I’ll remember for years to come.

As for you, you should go. So much to see. To eat. Go.